Our Curriculum
“At Benview Early years we enable children to LIVE, LEARN, PLAY and DEVELOP”, we encourage child autonomy and respond to the needs of each unique child.
If adults are to make a real difference to their learning they need to seize the moment when the children first show curiosity as children live in the here and now the role of the adult is to support their next steps immediately. Here at Benview Early years we firmly believe that the role of the adult is critical in promoting a child-led learning environment, adults are responsible to:
- Create an enabling environment
- Building strong relationships
- Setting clear rules
- Limit transitions for children
- Planning as they go celebrating the results
When children are allowed to select where, what and how to play, they are truly invested in their play, they become deeply involved and make dramatic progress. Every time an adult looks at, and listens to, a child, they are assessing and planning how to respond. Our vision is to get all children engaged, we understand that when children are deeply engaged in play their brain is developing and new synapses are forming and they are making progress additionally we know that a child who is not happy cannot become deeply engaged.
Toilet Training:
We realise that all children are individuals and therefore develop differently and toilet training is no exception. The staff at Benview Early Years are trained and willing to support you once you have begun toilet training at home. We encourage parents to think about toilet training between the ages of 2 and 3 so that they can be as independent as possible when they move into the 3-5 playroom.
Both Rooms:
Key workers and the Head teacher will share information with parents regularly on an informal basis and more formally 3 times a year.
“Parents and carers are the biggest influence on a child’s development, particularly in the early years. Staff and parents sharing information is the key to the best possible start for children” (Scottish Government Leaflet)
Some children may require additional support. The staff team will consult with parents and other professionals involved to create and monitor Additional Support Plans when required.
We encourage parents to share their knowledge of their child’s achievements and express any concerns they may have. Parents can approach staff at any time to discuss their child. If staff are busy with children an appropriate time will be arranged for discussion.