Please inform us of any health problems you child may have. Good attendance is an advantage but if your child is really unwell please do not feel he has to come - even if he wants to! The children should not come if they have sickness or diarrhoea (children should be clear of infection for 48 hours before returning to Nursery). Please phone if your child is absent. It is our policy to record absences and reasons for absence. We will contact you if you haven’t phoned.
Sometimes children will be well enough to attend but require medication.
The staff are prepared to administer ‘prescribed’ medicine with the child’s name clearly marked - parents will have to complete a consent form. If your child suffers from asthma and uses inhalers we should have an inhaler for them in nursery.
If your child becomes ill in nursery we will contact you - please keep your emergency contact numbers up to date. We report all accidents to you and ask you to sign an accident form.